Fair Trade Visit

Fairtrade celebrates 30 years in town centre

To celebrate 30 years since the founding of the Fairtrade Foundation, the Fairtrade Ware Group set up a stand in Tesco’s carpark on Saturday, 21st September to raise awareness of the importance of Fairtrade in helping farmers producing tea, coffee and cocoa to get a fair price for their goods.
Shoppers were asked to sign the Fairtrade Foundation pledge to support farmers to get a fair price for their goods so they can reinvest in their farms and communities to combat effects of climate change and get better education for their children. 173 people signed and showed interest in how some of the products on display were produced and what Fairtrade was doing to support producers.
The Mayor of Ware, Cllr Martin Butcher other Ware Town Councillors joined in for Fairtrade tea, coffee and cookies.