Ware Town Council Increases 2025/26 Precept to Support Community Facilities
Ware Town Council has approved a precept increase that will see an extra £1.18 per week added to a Band D property’s council tax bill for 2025/26. This means that Ware Town Council’s share of the council tax bill annually for a Band D home will rise from £209 to £271 from April 2025.
The precept is the portion of council tax that goes directly to Ware Town Council to fund local services and projects. The increase received cross-party support of Ware Town Councillors who voted at a meeting of Full Council on January 13th. It was deemed necessary by the Council to continue providing vital services to residents while also supporting under-threat local facilities.
Some of the key areas that will benefit from the additional precept funding include:
– Interim funding to help re-open Fanshawe Pool & Gym
– Securing the long-term lease of the Southern Maltings building, the home of Ware Arts Centre
– Completion of the extensive refurbishment of Ware Priory Lido
– A community café in Priory Play Park
– Funding for improved Christmas lighting
– Further support for community events and projects with more grant funding for local groups
Town Council Leader, Councillor Thomas Day said, “We recognise that this year’s precept increase is higher than many would like to see, but Ware Town Council is committed to providing the facilities and services the residents of Ware deserve. By investing significantly in the first half of this council term, it is our intention that future years will see only minimal increases as we deliver our ambitious programme of projects and capital works.”
The council tax paid by Ware residents includes the spending requirements of Hertfordshire County Council, East Herts Council, Hertfordshire Police Authority and Ware Town Council. East Herts Council is the charging authority responsible for collecting council tax on behalf of all four authorities. Ware Town Council are committed to maintaining the town as an attractive and vibrant place to live, work and visit.
The Ware Town Council budget, business plan and spending priorities are detailed here.
For more information please contact the Leader of the Council, Cllr Thomas Day at [email protected].