Councillor Martin Butcher
Mayor of Ware & Deputy Leader of the Council
I moved to Ware with my parents as a baby and grew up here. After some time away, I moved back with my family 17 years ago, as my wife Sandy and I thought Ware was an excellent place to raise our two boys. I have always been passionate about working in the community and on green issues. I have volunteered with local groups including the Wombles of Wareabouts and Southern Maltings. I co-founded and Chair the Ware-based Herts Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Support Network, for people and families living with FASD. I was co-founder and Chair of the Burning Issue Group which successfully fought Biffa’s proposal to build a giant waste incinerator at the landfill on the other side of the A10 from the Vicarage estate. I have worked in charities for my entire career which took me for a time to Brussels and to Washington DC. I currently work for Oxfam on mitigating the effects of conflict on civilians. On the Council I most enjoy helping people in the local community to resolve problems or to achieve goals.
A: c/o Ware Town Council, Ware Priory, High Street, SG12 9AL
T: 01920460316
E: [email protected]
- Full Council
- HR Sub Committee
- Ware Festival