
Freedom of Ware

Each year Ware Town Council seeks nominations for individuals from all walks of life and all sections of the community who have made a significant difference to Ware.

In keeping with the special nature of the award it is limited to those who have demonstrated ‘service above self’. Those nominated and the eventual winners have given extensive and distinguished service to the community in a largely voluntary capacity and have made an outstanding contribution to Ware that can be seen to stand above the contributions made by most other people. The honour is awarded for the individual’s lifetime and not as a hereditary award.

Nominations for the 2026 awards will open in September 2025. Nominations can be made by any person who has links with Ware. In your nomination please outline the voluntary service provided by the individual and any other examples of community spirit to justify the honour. The nominations will be considered by members of the council in December 2025. There will be a presentation ceremony to recipients at the Ware Town Council Annual Meeting in early 2026. Family and friends will be invited along to see the award presented. All nominations for the Freedom of Ware are treated in the strictest of confidence. The nominee should not be informed that they have been nominated as it is not fair to raise expectations in case they are not met. It is imperative that submissions are not discussed with any other persons. Any disclosure will make the application invalid.

For further information please contact Terry Philpott, Town Clerk: [email protected].

Freedom of Ware 2024 Honours

FOW PermanDavid Perman

David Perman’s contribution to the town has been huge in no small part due to him being the principal campaigner and project leader behind the conservation of Ware’s heritage buildings. David was the General Secretary and driving force behind the Ware Society when it was an extremely important movement in the 70’s to the 90’s. Some of the projects David managed included: • The restoration of the riverside Gazebo’s • The restoration of Scott’s Grotto • The campaign against the Inner Relief Road scheme • The commissioning and fundraising for the Maltmaker Statue. In 1995 he was pre-eminent in East Herts Planning’s comprehensive review of Ware’s Listed Buildings, adding several more to the List. EHC officers recognised that his historic and technical knowledge had been crucial. David was the General Secretary and Chief Officer in establishing Ware Museum from 1985. He drove its development until the early 2000’s. His historical research projects have massively increased knowledge of the development of the town from medieval times to the present day and the people who contributed to the process. His published works together with many articles and lectures include: • Ware’s Past in Picture • 600 Years of Charity – A history of the Ware Charities Estate • Scott of Amwell • A New History of Ware – Its people and buildings (312-page book published in 2010) • The Malthouses of Ware 2017 David undoubtedly meets the criteria for the Freedom of Ware. His contribution to the heritage and culture of Ware can not be underestimated, he has created a lasting legacy.

Fow ButcherMarie Butcher

Marie has been a stalwart of the town and her selfless, forward-thinking and good-natured work for the community over several decades has left Ware a stronger, more vibrant and caring community. She has never sought elective office, preferring to work behind the scenes. Marie ran ‘Ware Week’ (now Ware Festival) for 18 years, and many other activities around the town, including organising the first adult swimming lessons at a time when many were unable to swim. She was one of the co-founders of Lee Recreation Society and was very active in creating Wodson Park. She also organised the opening Gala Night. Now in her nineties, she is still a Wodson Park trustee. Marie was part of the Town Centre Management Board and helped start Dickensian Evening. She was also an active member of Ware Dramatic Society for thirty years until it folded, including as Secretary. Marie was central in the early fund-raising efforts for the Southern Maltings in the mid-80s when part of the Maltings became the Ware Arts Centre. She was a governor of Tower School for many years and was EHDC Home Safety Officer teaching home safety to children and adults in the town (and around East Herts) for over 20 years. And if that’s not enough, Marie was on the Police Scrutiny Committee for many years, and on the Neighbourhood Watch committee. Marie is a very worthy recipient of our inaugural Freedom of Ware.

Fow PerkinsDiana Perkins

Diana has lived in Ware for most of her adult life and for the majority of that time has been involved with local community organisations. She was a member of the Ware Dramatic Society which was active in the 1960’s – 1980’s. Diana has been a volunteer for more than 20 years at Ware Museum and been its Secretary and a Trustee for almost all that time. She has kept the Museum open through thick and thin co-ordinating the stewarding rota and frequently filling gaps herself. Diana would also host visits from uniformed organisations and school groups. She was heavily involved in the Great Bed loan project organising costumes and hosting tours by community groups. Diana has for about 15 years ‘shown the town to itself’ overseeing and setting up the temporary exhibitions featuring town organisations and events. Diana was also a founding member in 2008 of Ware U3a and served on its committee for several years. She organises the U3a Craft Group which has included making objects supporting town celebrations and raised money for community groups including Ware in Bloom. Nearly 23 years ago, Diana helped establish the East Herts Geology Club which meets regularly at the Museum and she has been its Secretary from its start to the present day. She has been a very active member for a large number of years at Ware Choral Society too. Finally, Diana has served for at least 20 years at Christ Church as a local representative on Diocesan Synod, Deanery Synod, and on the Parochial Church Council. She has chaired the latter for 9 years before recently stepping down. She has also been a long-standing member of the Church Choir. The Vicar commented that a much appreciated feature of her PCC chairmanship was her provision of home baked cakes for each meeting – an indicator of her generous spirit! Diana’s service to our town more than qualifies her for the honour of Freedom of Ware.

Freedom of Ware 2023 Honours

Following the Civic Service on Sunday, 5th March 2023 at St Mary’s Church, a reception was held in Ware Priory.  At this gathering, the Mayor of Ware, Cllr Rishi Fernando bestowed the inaugural honorary Freedom of Ware to four very deserving members of the Ware community. Each has rendered eminent service to the council area in a voluntary capacity.

In the Autumn of 2022, there was a public call for nominations, and at the Full Council meeting in January of 2023 the four recipients were unanimously selected to receive the Freedom of Ware.

The recipients of this award may designate themselves an ‘Honorary Freeman/Freewoman/Freeperson of the Town of Ware’. They all have received a scroll with these words:

“We the Council grant you this highest honour we can bestow for the valuable and devoted services to the community of Ware. We loudly applaud your valuable and sterling service whilst thanking you most sincerely.” Freedom of Ware Scroll

The recipients will also be invited to all subsequent civic events and functions, have an entry on the Freedom of Ware honours board and a page on this website. There will be a further call for nominations in the Autumn of 2023 and in every subsequent year.

Jan WingJan Wing

Jan has served the community of Ware for the last 40 years all in a voluntary capacity, including two terms as Mayor of Ware and as a District Councillor for East Herts Council. She has been instrumental in bringing a number of large town projects to fruition, including the building of Wodson Park, the refurbishment of Ware Priory, the building of the original wooden skate park, the saving of Southern Maltings, as well as being the creator of Ware in Bloom. She has also been involved with many groups in the town such as serving as Chair of U3A, Chair of the Community Alliance Broxbourne and East Herts and also organising the much-loved annual Dickensian evening. As a big supporter of further education, Jan took on the role of governor for Hertford Regional College for several years. Her commitment to ensuring our town has exciting opportunities and activities that bring people together to connect is who she is and Ware is extremely lucky to have someone so committed. She undoubtedly meets the criteria for the Freedom of Ware, helping to foster the strong sense of local community spirit that makes Ware a special place.

Keith BatchelorKeith Batchelor

Keith was described as a ‘silent hero’ of Ware in his nomination, at odds with his stewardship of the Remembrance Sunday parade where he can be found vocally commanding the road and keeping everybody in the right place at the right time! All of this after months in advance arranging the road closure. Keith pops up in a leading role in all of the major town events from the St George’s Day parade, the Ware Festival season in July to the Dickensian evening in December and more. One of the nomination forms stated, “Whenever I go to an event, he is there in some capacity.”

Keith also heads up the local Pubwatch scheme, the envy of many other Hertfordshire Towns, oversees public defibrillators in the area, the management of OWL Neighbourhood Watch and the Mid-Herts RAYNET Mobile Communication Unit. In addition, he runs the Friends of Guiding Committee, which involves fundraising and organising events for Girlguiding. In his spare time, he compiles and publishes a monthly list of events in Ware which is widely used and relied on by voluntary and community groups to spread the word of their activities.

Looking to the future of our community, Keith is a key member of the emerging Neighbourhood Plan and  is part of a group looking to secure more storage space for community groups. Keith is a worthy recipient of our inaugural Freedom of Ware.

John WingJohn Wing

John has served Ware for the past 40 years all in a voluntary capacity, including two terms as Mayor of Ware and as a distinguished District Councillor for East Herts Council serving a total of five terms. His involvement with many of the large town projects, including the building of Wodson Park, the refurbishment of Ware Priory, the building of the original wooden skate park, the saving of Southern Maltings; both through the management of the organisation and by donning a pair of overalls to knock down a wall or lay wooden flooring! As an active trustee of Ware Museum he has a wealth of historical knowledge about our town. He has a great ability as a storyteller and runs various Ghost Walks throughout Ware. Presentations about the history of the Priory and other historical landmarks are always engaging and informative, with all proceeds from his talks and activities being donated back into the groups he supports. Whilst he has a commitment to ensuring our town records are preserved and a passion that Ware’s wonderful heritage continues to thrive, he has an eye to the future and is actively involved in the developing Neighbourhood Plan. He is also very much involved with the running of the annual Ware Dickensian evening. John’s work in so many spheres, both as a local councillor and as a community volunteer, has been invaluable to the town. Without his numerous contributions, Ware would not be the place that it is today. John’s numerous efforts and achievements for our town qualify him for the honour of Freedom of Ware.

Stuart StoreyStuart Storey

Stuart is a former long-standing BBC sports commentator and Olympic (Mexico City 1968) hurdler. He worked tirelessly to secure a first-class athletics facility for the people of Ware and the surrounding area at what is now Wodson Park Sports and Leisure Centre. He has since served as Chairman of the Wodson Park Trust and has been instrumental in ensuring that generations of Ware residents have access to excellent sports and leisure facilities. But more than this, through his work to secure and develop Wodson Park he provides a fantastic example to others of what the voluntary efforts of individuals can achieve for their local community. In addition he has provided great service to our town through Ware Rotary over many years, including serving as the organisation’s President. He is a much valued supporter of Isabel Hospice where his regular attendance at high profile events demonstrates his ability to engage with large scale audiences and individuals alike. Given how many people and local organisations have directly benefited over many years from his voluntary contributions to our town, he is a worthy recipient of the honour of the Freedom of Ware.