Rocking Horse Mobile Bar

Ware's 11th Annual Food Festival

Ware’s 11th Annual Food Festival takes place in the Ware Priory grounds with a new date for 2025 of Sunday,  July 20th from noon – 4pm.

We have some of your favourite food festival traders coming back to us again and some new deliciousness for you to try. The Rocking Horse Mobile Bar will be joining us too.

There will be free face painting for the kids and live music from The Unswung Heroes.  So bring family, friends and a picnic blanket & enjoy a great free day out.

Traders, please apply below for a stall.

Food Festival

Ware Food Festival 2025 Stall Booking Form

Fields marked with an * are required

Ware’s 11th Annual Food Festival will be held in the Ware Priory grounds on Sunday, July 20th.  Stall charges are for a 3m x 3m pitch. Please note that if you have a large tent or trailer then 2 pitches should be booked. Stall holders need to provide their own gazebo/tables. There is limited access to electricity and if it is required you may need to bring a generator. Stall holders need to provide their own gazebo/tables. Please detail below what you will be selling. You will need to upload details of your registered local authority, food rating and date, risk assessment and Public Liability Insurance.

 Stall Charges:  Food Vendors £50 per 10’ (3m) stall / Produce Sales - £30 per 10’ (3m) stall    

Will you be bringing a gazebo? *
Will you be bringing a generator?
Will you require access to electricity? *
Will you be bringing a generator?
Will you be bringing a generator? *
Will you be bringing a generator?

Payment must be made by BACS to Ware Town Council: Sort Code: 60 22 32 Account No: 35219963.

Please add the name of your Organisation/Business to the reference of your payment. Stall booking is not confirmed until payment is received.

Please click below to confirm you have made payment by BACS *
Please click below to confirm you have made payment by BACS

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